The decodeAbiParameters function is a utility function in the viem library that decodes ABI encoded data using the ABI specification. It takes in two parameters: a set of ABI parameters (inputs/outputs) and the encoded ABI data. The function returns the decoded data, with the type inferred from the ABI.The decodeAbiParameters function is used by other contract decoding utilities in the viem library, such as decodeFunctionData and decodeEventLog. It is also useful for decoding ABI encoded data in a smart contract.The function takes in a set of ABI parameters, which can be in the shape of the inputs or outputs attribute of an ABI item. These parameters must include valid ABI types. The encoded ABI data is also required, which is a hex string that represents the encoded data.The decodeAbiParameters function is flexible and can decode a wide range of ABI encoded data, including simple structs and human-readable parameters. It is a useful tool for anyone working with ABI encoded data in the context of smart contracts.Here are some examples of how the decodeAbiParameters function can be used:
Decoding a simple struct:
Decoding a human-readable parameter:
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