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The fromDecimal function, also known as numberToHex, takes a numerical input value and converts it to its hexadecimal representation. The function is a part of the web3-utils library and is designed to be used with the Ethereum blockchain.
The fromDecimal function takes an optional parameter hexstrict which, if set to true, will strictify the hex output to only contain characters A-F, a-f, 0-9. This can be useful in certain contexts where a stricter hex format is required.
The function returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of the input number. The resulting hex string can be used to represent the value in a format that is suitable for use with the Ethereum blockchain.
Here's an example of how the fromDecimal function can be used:
In this example, the fromDecimal function takes in a numerical value value and returns a hexadecimal string representation of the input. The resulting hex string can be used to represent the value in a format that is suitable for use with the Ethereum blockchain.