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isHex is a utility function that checks whether a given value is a hex value or not. It takes a value as input and returns a boolean indicating whether the value is a hex value.
The function accepts an optional options object that allows you to customize the checking behavior. The strict property of the options object is a boolean that defaults to true. When strict is true, the function checks if the value strictly consists of only hex characters ('0x[0-9a-fA-F]*'). When strict is false, the function checks if the value loosely matches the hex format (i.e., value.startsWith('0x')).
Here are some examples of how you can use isHex: Check if a value is a hex value (strict):returnsbecause the value consists only of hex characters. Check if a value is a hex value (loose): returnsbecause the value starts with '0x'. Check if a value is not a hex value:returnsbecause the value does not start with '0x'.
The isHex function is a convenient and efficient way to check whether a value is a hex value. It returns a boolean value, making it easy to use in conditional statements or other logical operations.